Vision statement
Our vision
We share a vision to create climate security by 2030. In this future, women’s leadership has helped turn the tide of political culture from polarised discord to collaboration and cooperation. Nurture of life and care for the Earth are at the centre of every government decision.
Our values and commitment
We, a web of women, seek and support wisdom for the common good.
We acknowledge the ancestral wisdom of First Peoples and accept our responsibility as custodians of a precious world that must be nurtured as it nurtures us.
Sharing a great desire to look after the young, we raise our voices, confident in the potential of women to help positive change for all future life.
As beneficiaries of the industrial age, we acknowledge our responsibility for the present climate and environmental situation with grateful hearts and with lament.
Weary of conflict and polarisation, we resist judgment and blame, embrace uncertainty and encourage mediation and collaboration for a safe passage from climate chaos to climate survival or balance?
Listening deeply to the science, we recognise the interconnections of all Earth’s systems and human influences within those systems. With this in mind, we bring our collective imagination to uncover innovative, equitable and sustainable ways forward. Artistic vision and creativity are at the heart of imagining the necessary transformations.
Connecting head, heart and hands, we will collaborate across all genders to restore nurture of life and care for the Earth to the centre of every decision made at every level, local to national and international.
Qualities of the heart (including compassion, love, empathy, forgiveness) are the basis for true strength and must be reactivated for our survival.
Following the in the footsteps of our foremothers, we seize this moment, charged with a realisation of our responsibility to respond to Earth’s call and our shared aspirations.