Make a donation
Why donate to the WCC?
Your donation to the WCC will help to achieve our vision to achieve climate security by 2030. To achieve this we are elevating women’s leadership and policy priorities, in partnership with men, to shift our political culture from polarised discord to collaboration and cooperation. We promote nurture of life and advocate for placing commitment to future generations and care for the Earth at the heart of decision making at all levels.
In just four years our dedicated team of volunteers has created a national movement of women with strong international connections and a WCC Charter for Change. We know that the next few years are critical in the global push to secure the climate and that women's leadership is more critical than ever to achieve that outcome.
A one-off donation, however small, or a regular donation (if you can manage it) would boost our outreach and advocacy work to promote women’s leadership and collaborative nonpartisan national and global action on climate change.
What your donation will provide
Through engagement of up to 2 fulltime equivalent staff positions, and resources for advocacy, research and projects to support and scale up our activities, your donation will support these key activities:
Hosting inspiring local, national and online events and other activities to support and empower women, including elected representatives, to develop and implement women’s policy priorities.
Collaboration with other like-minded women’s and climate organisations to strengthen climate action across Australia and internationally, including at UN COP conferences.
Building relationships with elected representatives, business leaders and other decision makers to promote WCC principles and the WCC Charter for Change.
Taking the Charter Roadshow live to diverse women and communities across Australia.
Building relationships with First Nations women to listen and learn from their cultural knowledge.
Read our fundraising propspectus for further details of our approach to fundraising, key strategies, impacts to date and proposed outcomes.
See also our proposal at Australians Investing in Women.
Tax deductibility
The Women's Climate Congress (WCC) is a registered charity with ASIC and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status.
All donations to WCC above $2 are tax deductible via our WCC Nurture Fund.
The WCC approach to fundraising
Modelling our approach on that of our friends at the Art of Hosting community, we operate on a generosity economy which means that we ask members to - 'Ask for what you need, offer what you can’.
Offering what we can
Our organisation runs on the generosity of a core group of volunteers some of whom work almost full time pro bono. These women offer their time, experience and expertise and we are very grateful.
Asking for what we need
To realise our vision to bring women's voices to the fore to achieve our vision, we need to scale up our activities to increase our impact. To do this we need funding. All donations no matter how small are gratefully accepted.