Core work circles
This page shows the cirlces for our work in the world . See the Organisational cirlces page for more about our circles structure and informaton on our circles for management of the WCC.
Advocacy and relationships
The Advocacy and Relationships Circle makes contacts with parliamentarians and decision makers at all levels of governance, business and community leaders, to build relationships and advocate for our vision. From time to time the group initiates coordinated campaigns around specirfic issues (such as at election times, COP meetings etc).
Since the formation of WCC in 2020, members of this circle have met with numerous federal and state politicians, advisers and other decision makers, built relationpships with women leaders across all parties, and hosted activities to promote nonpartisan collaboration.
Kirsten Anker is the convenor of this circle and welcomes new members and ideas for new initiatives. Contact Kirsten at -
Organisational alliances
The purpose of the Organisational Alliances Circle is to look for ways to work closely with organisations who share our goals and aspirations regarding raising women's voices for urgent action on climate change.
We look for opportunities to cross promote each other's messages and events in newsletters and across all the 'socials'. We also ensure everyone is invited to participate in our monthly Women's Climate Conversations, National Congress of Women and contribute to actions such as the development of the Women's Charter for Change because we know we are all stronger together. Unity in diversity is our motto.
Nettie Hulme is co-convenor and anyone with an interest in improving collaborations across like-minded organisations is welcome to join us by contacting Nettie at
Policy and research
This circle develops information and issues papers to support the WCC vision and intiatives, particularly our advocacy work .
Significant papers developed to date are:
Issues paper #1: What we mean by climate securityIssues paper #2 : Building a unified national agreement for Australia’s climate response
Janet Salisbury co-convenes this circle with Barbara O’Dwyer. New members are welcome - contact Janet at
Reaching out to Indigenous wisdom
One of the important ambitions of the Women’s Climate Congress is for women, in all our diversity, to come together on behalf of the Earth and our descendants, in the face of climate heating.
The prupose of thise circle is to build relationships with First Nations women: those who belong to the 250+ different nations in our continent who have been so afflicted by settler invasion, and the consequent extreme harm to their lands and waters and atmosphere . We deeply respect their knowledge and deep connection to the Earth and seek to bring this knowldge into all our activities.
Honey Nelson is convenor and anyone with an interest in is welcome to join the circle by contacting Honey at
Reintegrating the arts
The WCC takes seriously the truth that science and hard facts alone do not capture people’s feelings and hearts in a way that makes change possible.
This is particularly relevant to the fundamental shifts, systemic change and earth-centred thinking needed for real action on climate change. This reimagining is the work of artists.
Four Canberra artists form a Re-integrating the Arts circle seeking to ensure that this role for the arts once again becomes fully part of the ways society operates around the big issues of our time. In indigenous cultures the arts are integral to all aspects of knowledge-sharing and governance, but this connection has been lost in industrialised cultures.
One of the purposes of this circle is to assist the WCC in this re-integrating work. Most recently, they have worked with the National Congress of Women Hosting Circle to integrate the arts into the programs of the Congress events.
The members of the Re-integrating the Arts Circle are Sally Blake, visual artist, and Glenda Cloughley, Johanna McBride and Meg Rigby who compose and co-ordinate the music making of Canberra’s A Chorus of Women. Contact Sally at
Women's Charter for Change
In 2022, this cirlce has managing the overseen the development of our Women’s Charter for Change: preparing drafts for consultation, collating comments from members and other, developing design and imagery and other tasks. The circle has also wroked with the Membership and Communications Circle to hold small group conversation circles to review and discuss aspects of the charter.
In 2023, the focus will shift to dissemination of the Charter to parliamentarians and the broader community, and promotion of activities to implement the Actions.
Janet Salisbury is convenor and anyone with an interest this task is welcome to join by contacting Janet at