How can the arts inspire and sustain us in this time of existential challenge?
August 2021

17 August

On 17 August, 21 members from around Australia met online to talk about how the arts influence public discourse. The online circle was facilitated by Lyn Stephens. The circle was opened with a recording of A Chorus of Women singing ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ with words by Canberra poet Hazel Hall and music by Glenda Cloughley. Members introduced themselves briefly in breakout groups - considering a time when an artwork/artistic expression had had a particular impression on them.

Dr Sally Blake, who has been coordinating our 'Integrating (or more precisely 'Reintegrating' the Arts') group spoke a little about her visual art practice in relation to climate change of how the arts express and speaks upon what is deeply held and felt. Other artists in the circle also shared information about their projects.

One participant said: "The failure to act on climate change is a failure of imagination. The arts can bring us to the imagining of a renewed future". Another said : "Amid a culture bedded in scientific facts and dry journalism, the arts move us emotionally – that other immense realm of feeling which drives much of our behaviour and expression. As women, this is our familiar realm, and the arts can join us wordlessly together". Others commented on the power of art to enliven protest.

We are a movement of women, and we need to re-plan and revise the language and direction of societal politics and economics. We talked of bringing the arts forward in public discourse: the necessity for such expression from the heart, to restore compassion, empathy, contemplation, grieving, and renewal to public narratives.

After the event, visual artist Kuweni Dias Mendis wrote:
"Thank you for hosting for such a beautiful online space that I felt inclusive and safe. I really enjoyed the interactions, insights and was feeling connected to the women knowing we were all wanting the same thing even though we had different ways of going about it.

I am looking forward to connecting with these artists and working together as artists to connect people back with nature.
I must also make a special mention about the meditations you did at the start and your comments about reflecting about the art work before commenting that really struck a chord with me. Thank you bring that feminine way to the way we conduct our selves in a meeting and allowing everyone to speak without power and control I truly appreciate it."